Meet Our Brand Reps!
Elizabeth is 22 years old, works as a CPhT and is my younger sister! She is
also behind the scenes here at Fearless Tribe Designs.
Melanie is 46, her grandkids are her world. She enjoys spending time with friends & family.
Destany is 28 years old. Married to my high school sweetheart. Momma to a spoiled rotten dog, She is a full time nurse and her life revolves around being an Aunt.
Rachel is a pediatric home health nurse and all star cheer and tumbling coach. Her little boy Easton is 2 and absolutely wild. She is married and they love all things sports, huge titans and preds fans.
Rachel is a pediatric home health nurse and all star cheer and tumbling coach. Her little boy Easton is 2 and absolutely wild. She is married and they love all things sports, huge titans and preds fans.